Monday, February 2, 2009

Again- But No One is Traveling

I hate to bash the media but they are doing a great job of scaring the public to death. Every day we hear more about how horrible the economy is. No one is buying anything including taking a vacation.

If that is the case, then why did the price of a 5 nite Royal Caribbean cruise that I booked in November (sailing in July) go up $100 per person?

Why could I not find a single property in the Galway Ireland area for clients in May. Perhaps a Music Festival and a Racing Festival is enticing people to travel?

Why is airfare to Paris on Continental over Easter week over $800 per person?

People are traveling. There are some great values available if you book far enough out and may be a bit flexible.

Call me. I can certainly find you some of the best bargains for you!

1 comment:

Roland Reinhart said...

Totally agree Mindy. Yes there are a lot of reasons to be mindful of how to spend money right now. But the media is fairly irresponsible in what they choose to focus on. I ignore most of what they say nowadays. Otherwise I might as well go crawl under a rock.

Stay positive. Have a great day.
