Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Staying Healthy on Vacation

Stay Healthy On Vacation.
Your vacation should be everything you want it to be- whether you want to totally relax, have fun, do something adventurous or a little of everything. Sometimes, when we are on vacation, we eat and drink differently than we are home. We might have later nights than usual or even be more active outdoors than usual. The last thing you want to happen is to come home feeling worse than when you left.

Before you leave

Did you know that 20% of plane passengers will catch a cold within 1 week of their flight? I am typically one of those people. What can you do to prevent catching that cold?

Try to build your immune system prior to departing by getting 7-8 hours a night sleep for the week before you leave.
Try not to add additional stress to you life before you leave so pack ahead of time, use a checklist to make sure you have everything you need and put work issues behind you.
Many people will have stomach issues during their vacation because they eat and drink differently than when at home.

Shore up your immunity to tummy troubles by adding probiotics to your supplement and vitamin routine for 3 days before you leave. These are supplements to keep your digestive tract healthy (they are also found in many foods these days). Aim to take 1000 CFU's daily.
Looks for pills containing S.boulardi to ward off Montezuma's revenge.

Be prepared by having a health and first aid kit handy just in case. Include:

Antidiarrheal medication
bandaids and antibiotic ointment
pain relievers (aspirin, Tylenol, or Advil)
antihistimines (works well for allergies, as well for itchy skin rashes)
santiizing wipes and sanitizing hand gel (like Purell)
your prescription medication (take a few extra in case your return travel is delayed- pack these in your carry on luggage so you are assured you will have it when you need it.)

While you are away:

Stay active- you don't want to return 5 lbs heavier than when you left
Indulge to a point- try to combine some healthy meals with 1 "splurge" meal
Protect yourself against the elements- bring sunscreen, aloe for sunburn, insect repellent, and an ointment or cream to help the rash if you come into contact with mosquitos.

When you return, Ease back into your routine:

Prevent the blues (post-vacation sydrome) by taking an extra day off before returning to work
Slowly resume your activities and eating habits
Print off pictures and hang them in your office to remind you of your vacation
Dream about your next vacation!
Enjoy your vacation!

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